Portobello Dance School - Uniforms available. Prices start from £7.00 - ALL ITEMS AVAILABLE FROM CLASSES
Caps/Zip Hoodies/Pullover Hoodies/T-shirts/Bags/Ballet Shoe
All items are available to purchase from the school when open (Fridays/Saturdays)
Email for further information and sizing specifications - info@portobellodance.org.uk
Caps/Zip Hoodies/Pullover Hoodies/T-shirts/Bags/Ballet Shoe
All items are available to purchase from the school when open (Fridays/Saturdays)
Email for further information and sizing specifications - info@portobellodance.org.uk
Caps/Zip Hoodies/Pullover Hoodies/T-shirts/Bags/Ballet Shoe
All items are available to purchase from the school when open (Fridays/Saturdays)
Email for further information and sizing specifications - info@portobellodance.org.uk